Simplified Hydrology: Boost Your Knowledge with This Ultimate Guide!

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simplified hydrology
simplified hydrology

Simplified Hydrology by Dr. Krishnanand: An In-Depth Review

Simplified Hydrology,” authored by Dr. Krishnanand, is a comprehensive eBook designed to help students, professionals, and enthusiasts understand the complex principles of hydrology. Based on Dr. Krishnanand’s popular YouTube lectures, this book covers essential topics in hydrology in an accessible and structured format.

About the Author

Dr. Krishnanand, founder of “TheGeoecologist,” holds a Ph.D. from the Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. With over a decade of teaching experience, he is an expert in geomorphology, geoecology, and geotourism. His extensive knowledge and teaching experience make this eBook a reliable resource for anyone looking to understand hydrology better.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Topics include the hydrological cycle, river basin morphometry, and regional hydrology issues.
  • Practical Insights: Real-world examples and case studies enhance understanding.
  • Structured Learning: Each chapter builds on the previous one, facilitating a logical learning progression.
  • Accessible Format: Complex hydrological processes are simplified for easier understanding.
  • Supplemental Learning: Ideal for competitive exams like UPSC CSE and UGC NET.

Contents Overview

  1. Introduction to Hydrology
    • Definition and scope of hydrology.
    • Importance in environmental science.
  2. History of Hydrology
    • World perspective.
    • Indian perspective.
  3. Nature and Scope of Hydrology
    • Systems approach in hydrology.
  4. Hydrological Cycle
    • Components and processes.
    • Human impact on the hydrological cycle.
  5. River Basin Morphometry
    • Horton’s laws.
    • Techniques of river discharge measurement and classification.
  6. Surface Hydrology
    • Runoff and overland flow.
  7. Subsurface Hydrology
    • Aquifers and groundwater.
  8. Regional Hydrology
    • Issues related to floods and droughts.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the basics of hydrology and its significance.
  • Learn about the hydrological cycle and its components.
  • Gain insights into the human impacts on hydrology.
  • Study river basin morphometry and measurement techniques.
  • Explore both surface and subsurface hydrology.


Q: Who is this book for? A: This book is ideal for students, professionals, and anyone interested in hydrology.

Q: What makes this book unique? A: It simplifies complex concepts and includes real-world examples.

Q: Can this book help with competitive exams? A: Yes, it’s great for UPSC CSE, UGC NET, and other exams.

Q: Are there practical applications included? A: Yes, practical insights and case studies are included.

Q: Is this book available in digital format? A: Yes, it’s an eBook.

Q: What are the main topics covered? A: Hydrological cycle, river basin morphometry, surface and subsurface hydrology, and regional hydrology issues.

Why This Book Stands Out

  • Engaging Format: The book is written in a simple, engaging manner, making complex topics easy to understand.
  • Practical Examples: Real-world case studies help illustrate theoretical concepts.
  • Comprehensive Content: Covers a wide range of topics in a logical sequence.

Detailed Examination of Key Chapters

1. Introduction to Hydrology

Hydrology is the study of water in the environment. It covers the distribution, movement, and properties of water on Earth. This chapter introduces the scope of hydrology and its importance in understanding environmental and geographical phenomena.

2. History of Hydrology

This chapter traces the development of hydrology from ancient times to the present. It explores significant milestones in the world and India, highlighting how hydrological knowledge has evolved.

3. Nature and Scope of Hydrology

A systems approach is essential for understanding hydrology. This chapter explains the interconnected nature of hydrological processes and how they influence each other.

4. Hydrological Cycle

The hydrological cycle describes the continuous movement of water on, above, and below the surface of the Earth. This chapter breaks down the cycle into its components and processes, such as evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and infiltration.

5. River Basin Morphometry

Morphometry is the measurement and mathematical analysis of the Earth’s surface and shape of landforms. This chapter discusses Horton’s laws of stream numbers, stream lengths, and drainage areas, providing techniques for river discharge measurement and classification.

6. Surface Hydrology

Surface hydrology deals with the study of water on the Earth’s surface. This chapter covers runoff, overland flow, and their implications for water resource management.

7. Subsurface Hydrology

Subsurface hydrology focuses on groundwater and aquifers. This chapter explains the types of aquifers, groundwater flow, and the significance of subsurface water in hydrological studies.

8. Regional Hydrology

This chapter examines regional hydrological issues such as floods and droughts. It discusses their causes, impacts, and mitigation strategies, providing case studies for better understanding.

Practical Applications

  • Environmental Management: Understanding hydrology is crucial for effective environmental management and conservation.
  • Disaster Management: Knowledge of hydrology helps in predicting and managing natural disasters like floods and droughts.
  • Urban Planning: Hydrological studies inform urban planning and development, ensuring sustainable water resource management.


“Simplified Hydrology” by Dr. Krishnanand is an essential resource for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of hydrology. With its comprehensive coverage, practical insights, and structured learning approach, it stands out as a valuable tool for students, professionals, and enthusiasts alike.

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