Geodiversity and Geomorphosites in India


Author: Dr. Krishnanand


This book provides a comprehensive and in-depth look at India’s unique geodiversity and geomorphosites, which are significant geo-resources. The author has attempted to take readers on this journey of exploration, based on his extensive research and fieldwork through India’s diverse and dynamic landscapes with his background in geography and a deep passion for geodiversity and geomorphosites. The author has presented a variety of case studies and examples that demonstrate the scientific and cultural significance of these resources, as well as the challenges and opportunities they present, based on extensive research and fieldwork.The author has discussed the roles of science, technology, education, and policy in the conservation and management of these resources in addition to examining India’s geodiversity and geomorphosites. The book offers a comprehensive perspective on the challenges and opportunities facing India’s geodiversity and geomorphosites through a combination of scientific analysis, geographer’s role, and policy analysis.

In chapter 1, topics such as Geodiversity: Concept & Evolution, Importance of Geodiversity & geomorphosites, global status of geodiversity, status of Geodiversity in India has been discussed.


In chapter 2, topics such as concept and  classification of geomorphosites, criteria and methods, diversity and distribution of geomorphosites in India, geothermal springs, fossil parks , stromatolite park, geoparks in India, value of geomorphosite studies and geomorphosites based geotourism in India has been discussed. 

In chapter 3, topics such as importance of geomorphosites and geotourism in India, role of research in geomorphosites based geotourism, and importance of geomorphosites in regional geotourism in India has been discussed.

In chapter 4, geodiversity conservation and management, stakeholders in geoconservation and management, the role of international cooperation, the role of local communities, the role of private sector, the role of policy and legislation, draft geoheritage sites and geo-relics (preservation and maintenance) bill, Ministry of Mines, Government of India (2022), justification of the draft bill,the role of technology and innovations has been discussed.

In chapter 5, future of geodiversity studies in India, geodiversity and sustainable development in India, future of geodiversity studies and research, role of geographers in geodiversity studies, potential areas for geoparks and fossil parks in India, potential activities for youth based on geoparks, fossil parks (geomorphosites) in India, future research on geodiversity and geomorphosites in India has been discussed .

The book offers a comprehensive perspective on the challenges and opportunities facing India’s geodiversity and geomorphosites through a combination of scientific analysis, personal anecdotes, and policy analysis.

The common readers as well as the geologists, miners, geographers, conservationists, environmentalists and anyone else who are interested in the natural and cultural heritage of India will all find this book to be an engaging and thought-provoking exploration of India’s geodiversity and geomorphosites. 

India’s draft geoheritage law

The bill gives the central government of India the authority to declare sites of national importance and preserve and maintain them, with the goal of safeguarding India's fossils and geological sites. It imposes severe penalties for defacing or destroying such locations.

The majority of scientists agree that India's geoheritage needs better legal protection. For example, the paleontological community in the country has struggled for a long time to safeguard these valuable georesources. But many people say that the bill gives the Geological Survey of India (GSI), which is in charge of enforcing the law, too much power. It grants GSI the authority to acquire any geologically significant material, such as sediments, rocks, minerals, meteorites, and fossils, as well as geologically significant sites, and to regulate who has access to them.


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