Digital Divide- World Economic Forum #shorts #upsc

Digital Divide- World Economic Forum #shorts #upsc

Although most people in the world live in areas covered by a broadband network, 33% of the global population (2.6 billion people) remains offline and left behind. This is due to the persisting barriers to connectivity: affordability of data and devices, the lack of necessary digital skills and a lack of access to digital infrastructure and skills.

For the average consumer in most low-income economies, the cost of fixed or mobile broadband services remains too high. A basic mobile data plan in these countries costs approximately 9% of average income. While this has slightly decreased in recent years, the cost remains many times more expensive than in higher-income countries.

Having access to affordable digital services, as well as the digital skills required to use them, is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Leaders from industry and government are pushing this complex and urgent challenge to the forefront of the Forum’s agenda because no one sector can address this challenge on its own.

#digitaldivide #digital #worldeconomicforum


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